10 Ways to Sleep Better During Menopause

Menopause pajamas
When a woman’s body stops producing estrogen during menopause, it’s not uncommon for her to experience a wide range of other symptoms as well. One of the most common complaints among menopausal women is that their quality of sleep diminishes greatly. These 10 tips will help you to achieve a better quality of sleep while going through menopause.
  1. Find the cause of your sleep disruption. While many women struggle to fall asleep because of side effects of menopause, some women are experiencing more serious signs of aging, such as joint pain or insomnia. Talk to your doctor to determine if your lack of sleep is related to menopause, or if it’s something else.
  2. Create a good sleep routine. Like with any sleep disorder, establishing a healthy sleeping routine is a great first step toward improving it. An hour or so before you go to bed, drink a cup of soothing tea or lemon water, put away your electronics, and adjust the temperature to a few degrees cooler than normal.
  3. Combat night sweats and hot flashes. More than 70% of menopausal women complain about hot flashes during menopause. Find some relief by investing in cooling sheets, pillow cases and bedding to regulate your body temperature while sleeping. You may also wear moisture-wicking pajamas to help pull sweat away from the skin and leave you feeling cool and dry.
  4. Consider hormone replacement therapy. While it’s not recommended for all women, some menopausal women have reported success from hormone replacement therapy.
  5. Try aerobic exercise. While exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you’re running on no sleep, scientists say that aerobic exercise four times per week can help treat insomnia.
  6. Eliminate caffeine. Even if you don’t drink caffeine right before bed, it could still be in your system. Cut it from your diet completely to help your body find sleep.
  7. Cool down your body temperature. Before bed, take a cool shower, turn down the temperature in your house, and be sure to use lightweight, breathable sheets and blankets.
  8. Try meditation. Clearing your mind and concentrating on falling asleep is a great way to ensure a good night’s rest.
  9. Go to sleep at the same time. If you stay up late on the weekends and go to bed early during the week, you could be confusing your body. Try to go to bed within an hour or so of the same time every night.
  10. See a doctor. If all else fails, talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist. He or she can help you get to the root of your sleep problems.