It's not uncommon to occasionally feel hot or sweaty while sleeping, especially during the summer months. For some people, however, this feeling of overheating during the night interferes with your sleep schedule and even your overall wellbeing. If you're the type of person who struggles with feeling night sweats or overheating more than one night a week, you may want to make some lifestyle changes to help to improve your sleep quality. Here are just a few simple ways to stay cool in bed.
Invest in the proper sheets and bedding. Cool-jams™ is known for our extensive selection of cooling mattress pads, sheets, blankets and even pillows, all of which are designed to absorb heat away from the skin and leave you feeling cool and dry all night long. Replace your usual bedding with these bedding items made with our proprietary cool bamboo bedding in order to wake feeling comfortable and rested.
Wear specially designed temperature regulating pajamas. Cool-jams also offers temperature regulating pajamas made with our proprietary smart wicking fabric which draws heat and moisture away from the body and is one of the fastest drying fabrics in the world. These nightgowns, sleep shorts, sleep tops and sets not only feel soft, silky and lightweight to the touch, they also wick away sweat and moisture from the skin to keep you feeling cool and dry.
Avoid drinking hot beverages. While many people enjoy a relaxing cup of tea or hot lemon water before bed, this could be doing more harm than good when it comes to overheating. Instead, drink a nice, tall glass of ice water before hitting the sack.
Avoid showers or baths. Taking a bath or shower before bed also seems like a great way to wind down, but the hot water causes your body temperature to rise, which may lead to overheating once you're under the covers. If you have to take a shower, make it a cool one.
Don't eat spicy foods. Many people find that eating spicy foods right before bed causes them to feel hot and sweaty, so try to avoid them if you're having these issues.
Lower the room temperature. Many people leave the thermostat set at the same temperature night and day, but this could be interfering with your sleep. Studies show that the average person sleeps better in a room that's two or three degrees colder than the temperature you're comfortable at during the day, so be sure to turn on the AC before bed.