5 Things You Should Know About REM Sleep

Sleep is a fascinating thing. When you go to bed each night, your body moves through five different stages of sleep. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is one of the most important cycles and should make up approximately 25% of your sleep each night. 

To help you better understand this important stage, here are five things you should know about REM sleep. 

1. Your Eyes Are Moving 

While you may think you are resting, your eyes are actually on the move. During REM sleep, your eyes are moving rapidly from one side to the next. According to a study in the journal "Nature Communications,” your eyes are actually moving around to look at various objects in your dreams. 

2. The Rest of Your Body is Paralyzed 

While your eyes may constantly be on the move during REM sleep, the rest of your body is not. Research shows that when you enter REM sleep, your body is paralyzed and you cannot move your arms or legs. While the cause for this temporary paralysis is still being studied, many experts believe it is to prevent you from acting out your dreams while you are asleep. 

3. This Stage is Necessary for Your Brain

REM sleep benefits

The benefits of REM sleep are extensive. One major benefit of receiving adequate REM sleep is that it improves your brain development. This is one reason why young children must receive the recommended amount of sleep each night. 

Additionally, REM sleep can assist with problem-solving and creativity. As you sleep, these areas of your mind are enhanced, making it easier for you to come up with new ideas and solve challenging problems.  

4. Typically Occurs 90 Minutes After Falling Asleep 

REM sleep is one of the final stages of the sleep cycle. For an individual to reach this stage, they must be asleep for 90 minutes or more. Typically, an individual who receives a good night’s sleep will go through the sleep cycle and will enter REM sleep three to five times a night. Additionally, studies show that as individuals age, they will spend less time in this stage of sleep.

5. Your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Increase

benefits of REM sleep

When you enter REM sleep, your body will gradually increase both your blood pressure and heart rate. This is the opposite of what happens during other stages of sleep when your body slows down. You may also notice that when another individual enters this sleep stage, his or her breathing quickens as well.

Receiving enough REM sleep is critical to your overall well-being. To help you enter this stage of sleep multiple times throughout the night, you must prepare yourself before you crawl into bed. Our Cool-Jams pajamas for women and men help you do that. Not only are they comfortable, but each pair features moisture-wicking technology to prevent you from overheating and awakening from a good night’s sleep.