Grinding Your Teeth? Try Reducing Stress Levels While Sleeping.

Teeth grinding is also known as bruxism, and many people experience this during the nighttime. If your dentist has told you that you need to stop grinding, you’re in the right place! If your significant other is telling you, we can help you with that, too. It all comes down to your sleep cycle, your body, and what you need in order to relax.

Around 10% of the population experiences bruxism. In other words, it’s quite common to grind your teeth at night. While there’s no need to feel ashamed, you should definitely look for ways to alleviate the symptoms of bruxism. Not only can teeth grinding wear down your teeth, but it can also lead to headaches and tight muscles. Here’s how to handle the situation if you grind your teeth while sleeping.


Many experts say that stress and anxiety contribute to teeth grinding. If you notice yourself clenching your jaw during the day, then it’s highly likely you’ll continue to do so at night while asleep. During a time of pain or anger in your daily life, you could experience additional teeth grinding at night. People who struggle with feeling aggressive or hurried could also suffer from bruxism. 

Try to carve out some peace in your life to counteract the difficulties that make you clench your jaw and grind your teeth. It could be as simple as resolving issues that have been on your plate for far too long. Ask for help if you need it. Otherwise, create moments of zen for yourself. Crawl under your cooling blankets and do some gentle myofacial massage on yourself while breathing in a calming scent like lavender. Get your partner some comfortable cooling sleepwear to help them relax. Just a few minutes of self-care, if practiced regularly, can make a big difference for your mental health.

A woman with her eyes closed is enjoying sun on her face against a backdrop of green leaves and purple flowers


If you feel relaxed during the day, but your bedroom is overstimulating, then it’s only natural that your sleep quality will suffer. Loud noises, distracting lights, and other uncomfortable textures can provoke anxiety while you sleep, leading to teeth grinding. 

Take a careful look at your bedroom and find ways to make it restful and restorative. Do you have the right women’s sleepwear for your body temperature? Add blackout curtains and a white noise machine if they’ll help you relax. Tidy up clutter and put your phone away before bedtime. Invest in a bamboo blanket and sweat-wicking face mask to keep your body comfortable overnight.

A cozy relaxing bed for sleeping with neutral tones on pillows and blankets


Finally, it’s important to protect your teeth at night. This means a mouth guard, which can help absorb the grinding and minimize damage to your teeth. You can get this from your dentist or online. Just make sure you get the size that’s appropriate for your mouth. Keep it clean and use it regularly, and you’ll experience less pain and improved sleep. 

Teeth grinding can be frustrating. After all, you’re asleep when it happens! It can feel impossible to resolve. But with the right tools, the right attitude, and continued effort, you can enjoy a full night’s sleep under your soft cooling sheets, free from annoying teeth grinding.