8 Causes of Night Sweats & How to Manage

nightsweatsThere’s no one reason why a person gets night sweats. In fact, this common nighttime ailment has a number of causes, which means that it can happen to just about anyone. Here are some of the most common causes of night sweats and how you can manage them if they happen to you.
  1. Menopause. It’s no secret that when a woman goes through the changes of menopause, it comes along with some unpleasant side effects. One of the most common side effects of menopause is night sweats, which can make it difficult to sleep restfully. To combat menopausal night sweats, you may want to invest in cooling bedding and moisture-wicking pajamas designed for temperature regulation.
  2. An Infection. Serious infections like tuberculosis and bacterial infections like endocarditis and abscesses can cause night sweats. These infections are much more serious than the common issues, so they should be addressed by medical professionals.
  3. Some types of cancer, such as lymphomas, cause night sweats. If you’re going through cancer treatment, you may find relief from cooling sheets and bedding.
  4. Medications. If you read the fine print, you’ll find that many common medications list night sweats as a side effect. The most common are antidepressants, which cause night sweats in more than 20% of users. You may talk to your doctor about adjusting your dosage, but moisture-wicking pajamas can also help.
  5. Hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar can cause your body to produce sweat, so if you are taking insulin, cooling bed sheets may help to control your bodily temperature at night.
  6. Neurological disorders. It’s not particularly common, but neurological disorders, such as stroke, can cause night sweats.
  7. Hormone disorders. Hyperthyroidism and other hormone disorders are known for causing night sweats, which can be combated with cooling bedding that regulates your temperature.
  8. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis. This is a unique condition that causes the body to produce too much sweat. Since it doesn’t necessarily have to do with your body’s temperature, moisture-wicking pajamas should do the trick.